Joe Biden is Numero Uno!

Biden: Families Must Be ‘Wearing Masks’ ‘Inside the Home’ Over Thanksgiving Democrat presidential nominee claims he’s been advised by unnamed ‘health experts’ You’re Number One on my list! Neon Nettle – Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has warned that families must be “wearing masks” during Thanksgiving celebrations, even when they are “inside the home.” Biden … Click Here to Read More

Swamp Creature Lindsey Graham

I have never trusted Lindsey Graham. I think he is part of the Thespian’s that are Gaslighting the whole country, especially Republicans! He has had many opportunities to expose and bring the Corrupt Scum to Justice. He has done NOTHING! He IS ONE OF THEM! Lindsay Graham Kept GOP Judiciary Committee Senators In The Dark … Click Here to Read More

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan

Seattle Mayor Endorses Lawless Far-Left Autonomous Zone, Calls CHAZ a ‘Peaceful Expression of Our Community’s Collective Grief’ Proverbs 9:13 “A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.” 2nd Timothy 3:6-7 “For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers … Click Here to Read More

The Reverend Al Sharpton

Charlatan and Racist Alfred Charles Sharpton Jr. has received the Prestigious Epitome of an Ass Clown Award for Bravery and Politicizing two Funerals for George Floyd.  Al received his PhD in Racism and Shakedown  tactics many years ago!

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo

Closing the Barn Door AFTER the Horse got out! And for this reason, and many others, I award him the Prestigious Epitome of an Ass Clown Award! See it after this brief news excerpt. Andrew Cuomo Scrambles to Change Nursing Home Virus Policies as Democrats Call for Independent Investigation Breitbart News – Gov. Andrew M. … Click Here to Read More

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Anthony Fauci is spewing filthy poison and constant lies out of that demonic mouth! Someone needs to cut the spewing off at the source and make sure it never even drips! I have also awarded him the Epitome of an Ass Clown Award below Turn off the Fauci Ben Garrison – “The history of this … Click Here to Read More

Let the Cat Fight Begin. Two TOM CATS ready for Battle?

Will Crooked Hillary Expose Michael Obama as a Tranny now that HE Attacked Her? Michelle Obama Throws Shade at Hillary: ‘I Understand People Who Voted For Trump’ Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – Michelle Obama has spoken about how “painful it was to sit on that [inauguration] stage” in 2017, but she does not blame … Click Here to Read More

Lunatic Ass Clowns are in Charge of Illinois!

The real reason they want you to “tip your mask” is this. It is messing up the surveillance system, the Facial Recognition Cameras!! It turns out Surgeon General Vice Admiral Jerome Adams was probably right. News Wars – Masks don’t help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Not because barrier protections don’t help stop disease transmission. … Click Here to Read More

Pencil Neck Adam Schiff Suggests that by NOT Removing Trump, it Led to 50,000 American Deaths

And for that reason, He gets an Epitome of an Ass Clown Award! House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) suggested that 50,000 Americans died from coronavirus because President Trump wasn’t successfully impeached and removed from office. In an MSNBC interview on Saturday, Schiff, who led the House Democrats’ impeachment effort against Trump earlier this … Click Here to Read More