The 2019 Democrat Clown Debate

Come one, come all! The Democrats are tripping over themselves in the run-up to the 2020 election, each competing for a chance to be defeated by President Donald Trump.   This time around, over 20 Dem candidates are eager to face-off with the man spearheading America’s recovery. Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, and New … Click Here to Read More

Communist Black Democrat Professor: Republicans of trying to ‘Pimp God’

Kentucky Professor Accuses Republicans of Trying to ‘Pimp God’ Why is it always these Clowns who are educated that are the worse of the Racists? It is Poor deceived Fools like this that keep the Plantation thriving! Ecclesiastes 10:2 “A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; (Republican) but a fool’s heart at his … Click Here to Read More

Jezebel Joy Behar: The Scientist/PHd Expert on Cancer Cure!

Stop the Presses and halt all work immediately! “ Climate Change Could Stop Joe Biden Curing Cancer” Well I am so glad that Climatologist Dr. Joy is on the case and is advising the country with her expertise in the many fields she is aptly qualified to opine on! I sleep really good at night … Click Here to Read More

Jeff Bezos: Ass Clown Extraordinaire

Bezos The Book Burning Clown For many years Amazon has allowed free speech to flourish on its site. Jeff Bezos, its billionaire CEO, has now pretty much cornered the market on book sales. Some people refuse to use Amazon due to the fact Bezos is aligned with the CIA and the Deep State. Amazon has … Click Here to Read More

Joe and Hunter Biden: Like Father Like Son!

Creepy Uncle Joe is well known for his fondling, cuddling, and hair sniffing. We’ve seen countless videos of him standing behind women and doing such things, but he gets away with it because he’s a Democrat with high status. More outrageously, we’ve also seen him shamelessly pawing little girls. He touches them, rearranges their hair, … Click Here to Read More

Ohio State Hosts Deviant ‘Sex Week’!

Topics and Seminars included; The Glories of Period Sex, Sex Toys, Abortion Affirmation Ohio State? You would not be so surprised if it was one Cesspool’s in the Sodomy State of California, or the Communist Northeast, but in a supposed Bible Belt State? This is Higher Education?? No wonder the whole of America has become … Click Here to Read More

Emperor’s Nasty Nancy Pelosi and Cryin’ Chuck Schumer have no Cloths

President Trump met with Democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer at the White House to discuss the construction of a wall on our southern border. They would have none of it. Trump surprised them though; he invited the news media to cover the event. Pelosi made it clear she’d rather talk about government issues … Click Here to Read More

Washington’s Clown Show

The Kavanaugh hearing turned in to a literal Clown show featuring the Communist Democrats! Dianne Feinstein was the lead Clown with all of her cohorts grand standing like the Fools they are!

Christine Blasey Ford is too Afraid to Fly to DC

However She Plotted Move to New Zealand after 2016 Election and attended the University of Hawaii!  Sounds to me like this Jezebel has some Mental Problems and needs to be Delivered! When this is all over it would NOT surprise me that we find out that she committed Suicide, or was Arkancided shortly after. Then … Click Here to Read More

Kooky Kommunist Kamala Harris

Proof Democrats are Communists, Socialists and Fascists Rolled up in in one Filthy Carpet! (Kooky Kommunist) Kamala Harris Calls Kavanaugh’s Pocket Constitution ‘That Book You Carry’ “That book”, as you call it, you dirty necked, stringy haired, old whore….., is the basis which this country was founded, and that is why YOU and the rest … Click Here to Read More