Bat-Shit Crazy Lead NIH Vaccine Scientist Kizzy Corbett

So they are sticking to the narrative that Bats are the reason for the Chi-Comm Virus and it is not Man-Made as many top scientists are say it IS! Chinese Coronavirus Is a Man Made Virus According to Luc Montagnier the Man Who Discovered HIV Fascist Fauci said on April 17th’s Chi-Comm Coronavirus news briefing, … Click Here to Read More

Eugenicist Bill Gates’ Plannedemic

A Plan you can’t trust! Ben Garrison | – For the past decade, Bill gates has been warning us about an inevitable pandemic. Conditioning us. Getting us used to the idea. Last year, he even held a summit on the matter and ran computer simulations to predict outcomes. Why did a former computer nerd … Click Here to Read More

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