Clown News Network CNN: Obsessed White People are trying to Stop the Coronavirus!

CNN is Angry That White People Are Trying to Stop the Coronavirus Spreading Paul Watson | Summit News – According to CNN, the real concern about the coronavirus is not the potential for a global pandemic, it’s the fact there are too many white people trying to stop it. That was the message sent by … Click Here to Read More

CNN Trump Voters Panel Guest Jeremy Montanez is an ACTOR and Anti-Gun Socialist

The Communist Left Counts on YOU Staying Stupid and NOT Finding out Facts. You must question and check out anything the Communists say. They are liars and twisters of the truth. They are like their father the devil: John 8:44 “Ye are of  your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will … Click Here to Read More

Jim Acosta – CNN’s Cry Baby Boy!

CNN’s Jim Acosta said he “feared for his life” at the recent Tampa Trump rally. Then photos surfaced of the happy Trump supporters taking selfies with “Little Jimmy”. Whoops! Caught in another Fake News lie, Jimmy? Didn’t Mommy always say to report the truth? Little Jimmy Acosta, crying in his pasta. Ashes, ashes.. CNN Sucks! … Click Here to Read More