Ass Clown Al Green

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They are not many who can have the honor of being receiving “The Epitome of an Ass Clown Award“, and ole Racist Al Green is the first to get that high award!

Al Green: Trump Could Be Impeached ‘More Than Once’

Earlier this year, Texas Democrat Al Green said, “If we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected.” Clearly, he doesn’t think things are going well because now he’s saying a “president can be impeached more than once” and that there is “no limit” to how many times the House can vote to impeach.

“I think that the Mueller report has some issues in it that ought to be considered. I think the obstruction of the Comey investigation has issues that should be considered, and I think the invidious discrimination that I have called to the attention of the public ought to be considered. My hope is we will expand this and take up additional issues. Bu I would also say this for your viewers, for edification purposes — a president can be impeached more than once. So we can do this — we can move forward with what we have on the table currently,” he said.

Apparently, Al Green thinks that when this impeachment fails in the Senate they can just have a do-over. Green continued, “There is no limit on the number of the times the Senate can vote to convict or not [convict] a president. No limit to the number of times a House can vote to impeach, or not, a president. So my belief is that the speaker will probably say we are going to move forward with what we have now, but we are not going to end investigations and that there may be a possible opportunity to do other things at a later time.” Read More Here

Daily Caller video of Ass Clown Al

Al Green: We have to impeach because — slavery!

“Well, it was yesterday in fact that we celebrated in a sense that we had something that was brought to the floor, maybe I shouldn’t say celebrated. Let me just say that we brought to the floor the articles for vote and we received some 50-plus votes and then the second time some 60 plus and a third time 95 votes,” Green responded. “So, I believe that the American people understand that this is something that we must do at this point. I don’t speak for all of the American people, but a majority seem to think so, and I think that we’re moving forward in a very cautious and prudent way, which is what is expected, but I also think that if we don’t include some of the things that are important to people of color then I think that our business won’t be finished with.”

Definition of Ass Clown: Stupid or contemptible person – A jerk; a buffoon; a person who is inept or ill-behaved to the point of being found laughable!

“I do believe, ma’am, that we have to deal with the original sin,” Green continued. “We have to deal with slavery. Slavery was the thing that put all of what President Trump has done lately into motion. It’s insidious … racism, the president has played on racism and he’s used that as a weapon to galvanize a base of support to mobilize people.”

“We cannot overlook what happened when he came down the escalator and just demeaned people of color when he talked about the s-hole countries,” Green continued. “He has found a way to use ugly words to his benefit and to the detriment of the people who are the object of his words. Emily Dickinson said a word is dead when it is said, some say, I say, it just begins to live that day. His words take on life and meaning, and they hurt, and I know the people who are being hurt, and I came to Congress to represent them, and I cannot let it go. So, I appreciate whatever we will do, but until we deal with the issue of invidious discrimination as a relates to [the] LGBTQ community, the anti-Semitism, the racism, the Islamophobia, the transphobia, and also the misogyny that he has exemplified, I don’t think our work is done.” Text copy from Citizen Free Press

Al Green Impeach because of Slavery

Al Green Slams Impeachment Hearings for Not Choosing Witnesses ‘of Color’

Rep. Al Green complain that there wasn’t a ‘person of color’ among the witnesses called to testify against Trump

“It hurts my heart, Mr. Speaker, to see the Judiciary Committee hearing experts on the topic of impeachment — one of the seminal issues of this Congress — hearing experts… and not one person of color among the experts,” Rep. Green continued.

“What subliminal message are we sending to the world when we have experts but not one person of color?

“Are we saying that there are no people of color who are experts on this topic of impeachment?” Green continued. Read it all at Neon Nettle

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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